Monday, November 30, 2009

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps118:24.

Today this is my verse. I am so blessed and my riches abound. So although I have a very bad case of the Monday blah's I know the Lord has great things in store for me today.

Being the last day of November I am planning our budget and our menu. Is that really ever fun? But I am encouraged by the Lord's provision in our lives. As always, I am amazed every month as I sit down with my calculator and pencil and see where our money actually went. It seems every month somehow, someway our budget was able to stretch more than planned. I especially love to see when it was divinely stretched to provide for others. We struggle as any family with worldly desires, and it's not easy to always think of what the Lord would have us do. Especially when I want nothing more than to go home and rest and chick-fil-a has my name in it's neon sign. But, over all I'd say we are slowly working toward our goal of debt freedom.

With the holidays upon us, I am slightly discouraged. We, like so many families did not plan for this 6 week spending extravaganza. So creativity is in order. I however have a sneaking suspicion that we will be even more blessed by a Christmas with presents from the heart, more than those from the store. I look forward to seeing our little ones serving others and their creativity in gift giving. I also look forward to some special moments with each of them as we plan and prepare for the holidays together.

I pray each of you find blessings in this season, and remember our biggest blessing of all. The birth of our Lord and Savior.

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