So today begins our whirl wind weekend. I'm so excited. Thanksgiving is such a fun time for our family. Tomorrow we start with our trip to the dentist. I know, how in the world can you be excited about the dentist. But I love it. Both of the children look forward to seeing our hygienist, Amy. I could not have asked for a bigger blessing. Children that enjoy the dentist. They giggle and laugh and have complete control of their suction tool. How awesome is that. Oh, the simple things in life. They get to watch each other and even try to engage me in conversation while I'm being cleaned. The whole office is always jovial and so willing to make the experience enjoyable for the kids.

We will spend the afternoon making turkey cookies. I don't remember when we started this tradition, but the children always remind me when it's time. And I was informed this year, my my princess, that there will be no exceptions or substitutions. These precious cookies are so easy, and it's always a fun time to spend with the kids. Then we will spend the evening and early morning playing board games and watching movies. This is also one of our children's favorite times. They are allowed to stay up as long as they like. What they don't realize is the joy we have of children sleeping on a long car ride. So we will awake Thurs. am and make the trip down to family. Then eat until we can't walk. Ahhh, if only we could guarantee no weight gain in the process.
Friday I am hoping to make a few black Friday ads. I don't start until around 11. I am by no means am brave enough to battle the crowds. Then we are off to my sweets 1st employer's gathering. I so appreciate the Ownsby family. Not only were they willing to work with a young teen, but even 15 yrs later, they are still ministering to us. What a glorious example of the body of Christ and the love of thy neighbor. This sweet couple have hosted this gathering of all employees (past, present and now future) every year and we look forward to it. I absolutely love seeing how the Lord has blessed them in life and in business. All of the families that have been impacted by the simple love of these two wonderful people. Following this much anticipated event we will try to meet with some family that will be traveling here for the holidays.
And finally them my goal is to rest. I don't know if will happen, but I think a good long will be in order.