With all of our recent changes I have had to withdraw from my bible study. My heart is so torn. I loved the study of John and the weekly gathering of the body of Christ. But alas, I must say a brief farewell, for I know I will one day return.
So I have begun my search for another study that I can do this next semester. Unfortunately I haven't found one that speaks to me yet. So I'm going to list out the things I enjoy in a bible study and the things I'd like to experience through a study. If anyone has any ideas of a good study please let me know.
I am a procrastinator. As much as I try to fight it I have to admit I am one. I am looking for something that will keep me accountable and force me to answer those tough questions.
I'd like something that is very in depth and maybe covers the history and mystery of the Word. I love hearing the accounts of events and trying to put them into modern life perspective.
I want something that will speak to me now and again in several years. One thing I loved about my study of John, it doesn't matter how often I read the book I get something different every time.
I think the best bet at this point is something I can do online. Somewhat on my own schedule. At least until life settles down a bit around me.
I would absolutely love a study that would incorporate scripture memory in an interactive way. I can be told to memorize a verse, but unless I use it, I loose it.
I will say I've previewed a few of the Beth Moore studies and I'm intrigued, but I don't want a topical study. I would much rather have a historical study and/or be able to increase my knowledge of His Word. I think I'm still on baby steps when it comes to my actual biblical knowledge.
So anyone have any ideas for me?